Monday, December 9, 2013


After researching answers to math fact fluency this summer, I applied for and was give an educator grant to use Explore Learning's Reflex. Reflex is an internet-based game program that helps students build their fluency with addition and subtraction facts and multiplication and addition facts.

*I have not been asked to write this or given any compensation for writing it. I just want to share a wonderful program!!*

The program is all based on fun, fast-paced games. The students have an avatar of themselves and a tree that grows and they progress through the game. They earn coins by playing the games and can use the coins to buy new clothes or hairstyles for their avatar or items to decorate their tree. Since the program is internet-based, the students can also play it at home or anywhere they have internet access!

One really important part of this program is that the students can monitor their own progress with mastering facts and teachers are provided with many different ways to keep track of students' progress! There are so many charts and graphs for both individual students and the class as a whole that I always know exactly how my students are doing.

The best part of Reflex, though, is that my kiddos LOVE IT!! They are always thrilled to find out that it's their turn to play! I could tell you so many success stories of kids who hated math that now love these games or students who were building problems with base ten blocks and were able to self-correct mistakes by saying that they learned that fact in Reflex. One kiddo wrote "I love Reflex because it makes me be good at math. The games are super cool too. Thanks for giving us this fun Reflex!"

To celebrate the kids' success, I created this "bulletin board" in the hallway outside of the classroom.

The awards that you can print off of Reflex for accomplishments are showcased on the bottom and the high scores students get for each game are posted on the sides in yellow. This board was even featured on Reflex's blog:

I love this program, and I think you will, too! If you want to learn more about it, visit

~Miss Hunt